3 Tips You Can Use to Realize Your Dreams!
January 17th, 1998
I’ve lived quite a life. One full of hope, friendships, lovers, and adventure. However, I've also learned invaluable life lessons through facing adversity. So, to anyone who has a desire to live to their fullest potential, let me provide some insight into how you can turn your dreams into reality.
You control your destiny
I’ve recently come to terms with an extremely important life lesson – our life-span is limited and what we do with that time should be worthwhile and meaningful. Spend time doing things that fuel your passions and surround yourself with people you love. If you don’t like the life you are living, change it. If you aren’t surrounded by a group of people who support you unconditionally, make new ones. If you have a dream, go chase it.
That being said, in many cases life isn’t that simple. Along your journey towards success, you will face countless challenges that will tempt you to give up. It’s easy to be influenced by the opinions or behaviours of others; however, that doesn't mean it’s sensible to follow suit. I used to be a wishful dreamer but my inaction and cowardice were detrimental to my happiness. Thus, from learned experience, I can confidently say that if you don’t stand up for your dreams and desires, no one else will. Strive to become what you’ve always aspired to be whether it’s a doctor, a scientist, a singer, a dancer, or even a hard-worker at an office because you don’t get a second chance at living and thriving in life.
When I reflect on my childhood and later years spent with my two closest friends, I am disheartened by what I could’ve, should’ve, would’ve done but I don’t dwell on it for too long. Another invaluable life-lesson - that too shall pass. Our past is in the past and all we can do is move forward with a reinvented mindset. Atone for the mistakes you’ve made and move on; there’s nothing you can do about it now.
For those who think that your destiny is fixed or paved out for you, I acknowledge your beliefs. However, take whatever means of control you have over today and the next and run with it. Reconnect with lost friends. Do something kind. Be a better person.
When you’re lying on your deathbed, your thoughts shouldn’t be consumed by the what-ifs. So starting today, build up your courage to take that first step. If there is one lesson you can learn from this post, I want you to believe that you have the power to change your destiny.
Stop and Smell the Roses!
There are so many things that I miss about my childhood, one of them being my ignorance. As they say‘ignorance is bliss’. I believe that as we grow older, our lives are ridden by trivial worries - vanity, gossip, sex, a desire to belong - as compared to our uncomplicated lives when we were children. I’m going to give you one activity to do today - stop and smell the roses. Act as you once were as a child; living in the moment, exploring things out of genuine curiosity, and being in awe of the most simple pleasures in life - a clear sky, a vast field, a friendly gesture.
I recently did this and it’s one of the most profound moments I’ve had in a while. I listened to the rush of the wind and the flapping of the wings of birds. I felt the stinging of my cheeks from the cold while staring out into the open sky and admiring an abandoned boat in the far distance.
When you do this, I want you to take a moment, close your eyes, feel and listen to everything and live in the now. Sometimes the only thing you need to start a new chapter in your life is to breathe in and out, be rejuvenated by the fresh air and let all the stressors in your life go. With a clear mind, you can realize any dream.
For more information on mindfulness through meditation, I would recommend reading Wherever You Go, There You Are: Mindfulness Meditation in Everyday Life by Jon Kabat-Zinn (1994).
Know Who Your Friends Are
I’ve met countless people, both the righteous and the wicked sort. My closest friend was a good person through and through and unwaveringly loyal despite my betrayal. I’ll admit, I was jealous and haven’t always made rational decisions because of it. I’ve also had the other type of ‘friends’. The ones who make you feel inferior and don’t take your dreams seriously. They use you for personal gain and build up your hopes only to squash them with no remorse. However, experiencing unhealthy relationships taught me the value of having genuine, compassionate, and supportive friends.
A couple of weeks ago, my two childhood friends and I were driving home from a trip and one of them pointed out a billboard with an open-plan office. Long story short, I had always dreamt of working at an office but never pursued it due to personal reasons. Nevertheless, she brought it up in the car and at first, I played off its importance; it was only a dream I had after all. However, my friends were adamant that I should’ve pursued my dreams regardless of barriers. This speaks to the supportive and uplifting nature that they exude as they adopt my dreams as their own. They are the kind of friends I hope everyone makes at least once during their lifetime before it’s too late.